Comic Book   +  simpletons


So this post is dedicated to something COMPLETELY different from that of my normal drawings. This contains a collection of drawings I refer to as, Simpletons. After looking at old caricatures, and seeing how "carried away" I seem to have been with some drawing, training new people, and figuring out various ways to decrease drawing times, I have decided to experiment.

I wanted to see how possible it would be to breakdown someone to the lowest amount of shapes and STILL retain both exaggeration and likeness. These were all done just for fun, but I would HIGHLY recommend this as an exercise.

Me... ...... ...... ....and my love for tacos

My girlfriend Sheina, and her love for both hula hooping ,...and faeries

Ashley Gaia

Trey Archer

Marlon H%#%&

Alberto Gonzalez

Me again

Nigel Williams

Layla (newbie)

John Lafree (assistant manager, drawn as a dick head)

John, myself, Charles, Nigel, and Marlon...... as the Ghostbusters

This isn't really a simpleton, but funny. This one is of Jim. Supposedly after I left the stand, a family came up and saw this drawing up on display and the kid called over the whole family to look at the hobo riding a chair. The mom looked over and saw Jim standing there and immediately apologized. Jim thought it was funny.

After the Ghostbuster drawing, I decided to do more movie based ones. This one has most of the men at Caricature as if they were in the movie, 300. (From left to right) Trey, Alberto, John, myself, Nigel, Dion, Jim, Marlon and Michael Valasquez down below (you'll meet him later).

Here's one of star wars....Too many to go through.