For those who are board enough to check this (blog) frequently, I"m sorry for not being able to post as often as I would like to, but the park is SERIOUSLY slow, but I hope you all enjoy this batch as much as I do!
This poor Brazilian couple couldn't understand much english (past the price talk) and had no idea what to expect, I actually wish they rejected this one, it was painful to play this one straight.
This unicorn lovin, UK wanna be is Tiqui, she has a sun tattooof a sun on her chest, I gave her a moon ( I blame my potty humor on Ren and Stimpy)
This Irish dentist came by as I was doing some touch ups to Charles the Great zombie hunter (patience is a virtue, please wait) and saw what great knack for drawing people inflicting pain I had, and wanted me to reflect that sense into his profession. He told me (even after he saw the finished piece) he was going to seriously hang it up at his practice. For those curious of his name, I don't know, but he practices in Ireland, so I think we're all a bit safer!
A close up version, I totally forgot the blood, I suck!
Another British kid I drew earlier on in the day, I found it humorous.