Comic Book   +  sketchbook

Chris Chua, Sketchs, and a back woods couple

Hey everybody! So customers have been a bit slim this past week or so so unfortunately there's not a whole lot to post, BUT!!! I do have some things. First up, is Chris Chua! and his girlfriend Erica. For those who don't know Chris, he's a caricature artist/supervisor in Pennsylvania and has a completely different and wacky, crazy cool style (that can be can found on his blog, there is a link to it towards the right hand corner of this page). Hope you both enjoy the drawing and happy anniversary you two.

also, I got a new camera, one that wont make things so grainy and blurry and brownout, so expect a bit more qaulity pictures from now on (like the 2 underneath, and the Marlon drawing)

the shirt kinda cracks me up

This was something I was doing while waiting for guests. It's just a compilation of different exaggerated features like a sketch book, I'm thinking about doing these more often.