Comic Book   +  TIME

Applesalad never felt so nice

Alright, so the park has been pretty slammed with spring breakers, so things have been a little hectic as of late. I unfortunately don't have a whole lot to show on the account that I've been busting out cuteacatures and whatnot just to keep the crowd moving. As my camera phone was being charged as often as it should, so there's a ton of great sketches that are lost to either private homes, the trash on barred under a bed/closet somewhere. But at least here are a few.

I really thought this one was going to be rejected ("wow, he made you look really fat," when in fact I was only showing her puffy-wide face) but once I was past that stage, I started on the second girl and went a little further with makin it goofy.

Here's a classic case of me putting someones eyes crossed, not because I see it, but because I feel obligated to do something to them. If I'm going to bust the other person up in the picture, the playing field should be equal (somehow). It's still funny though.