Alright so Spring break is starting to finally wind down, which is also why I haven't been as active on blogger lately, ..sorry. But here are some cool images (some bad) for your peepers.
This girl and her sister asked Alberto and I if they could be drawn "nice", ...after a very stern and straight forward conversation they finally agreed to be drawn. In the end.... I think they really liked it... Sheina doesn't agree with my caricature decisions.
At first I thought the mom was going to show me they take care of "business" in NewYork, but after I drew half of her daughters face she couldn't stop laughing.
She seriously asked me not to draw her with a big head.........when will they realize, that only makes things worse?
Ok, so not really any crazy exaggeration, but.....I think it's a strong likeness. I think I want to push more with color stix instead of relaying on so much of the Marquette.
Ok, so maybe it was a miss on him, but she cracks me up......just me talking though.
LOL!, this kid told me he had a concept to be in the army with a gun over his shoulder and a cigar in his mouth.,,... true there are many ways to make this funnier, but I had to press on. Mom thought the limp gun was funny (odd) but she was really concerned about the whole cigar but, and while the kid tried to justify it, she asked if I could make it bubble gum, ..cracks me up!
First off, I don't really dig on this sketch,, worth showing I suppose. He's a doctor out of Dayton, and he also teaches a few nurses and doctors and is known for his stern and angry teaching style, so ....upon request he wanted to make the face he's known for.