Comic Book   +  TIME

A few days at Stanleyville

Here's a few I did over the course of a few days at our Stanelyville stand.

This was a co worker named Jerry, who enjoys horror movies, anime, and fighting games. Unfortunately Jerry was let go shortly after employment due to over staffing and budget reasons (? I think?). Also my camera died shortly after taking this picture, and I never got to work with him again before he left. So you will just have to trust me on his likeness.

These (above and the one below) are pictures taken with Jerry's cell phone, so, please excuse the ridiculous amount of pixelation

Once again, one that's not terribly exaggerated, but I am overall satisfied with the likeness.

This is the couple's above friend, she sort of had that moon man head shape like one of the old mascots for McDonald's.

Believe it or not, this is not Ken Knafou's brother