It's been a over a year since I have done a caricature sculpture. So I figured it was long over due. (if you would like to see some prior caricature busts, please visit my 53AN Portfolio blog, listed on the right). This time around I set my sights Steve Carell. You may recognize his face from many movies over the past few years, and he also stars in one of my favorite T.V. shows, The Office.
Below are some reference shots to help familiarize yourself with Mr. Carell, Then turn arounds, and then some more dramic shots. This sculpted using aluminum foil to form the general masses, and Super Sculpy on the outside skin. Comments and Critiques always welcome, enjoy.
(click to enlarge)
All photos were Taken by Jim Reiman
ALSO, there will be a colored version of the sculpture (with another photoshoot) soon.