So, the park has finally started to become busy, these are some excerpts of the last few days.
This is a co-worked named Jim, and he hairy, "like animal !!! "
Canadian kids like guitars, what can I say
and apparently football
Unfortunately his friend got a cute-a-cature by the fellow artist, so..... had to make sure he got it double bad.
This English gentlemen sat there the whole time while dozens of people stopped and laughed, he took it well and kept say, " I take it these are supposed to be rude pictures." He also kept saying how he was doing this strictly for his sons amusement....... and he definitely was, amused.
This chick from Michigan had to fight a Swedish family for her spot (very awkward situation) and then was shocked at her pointed teeth. And I will be the first to point out, yes, I used the same trick twice, (hoody, mouth jetting out...blah blah blah, I'm a loser)
YAY!!! for WHOOO cakes!!!! (for those who DON'T know)