I couldn't BLIEIVE the nerve of this guy!!! I just finished jacking up this Canadian couple (2 images down) and he watched the whole thing go down, he asks me TWICE!! if I can draw him next, I told I would be happy to tear his face up, but he would have to come with me to the front of the park (I was there only to break that stand for lunch)... So he followed me to the OTHER SIDE OF THE PARK, he gets to my stand and prodeces to ask me,..."do you do any serious type drawing? Like portraits really?" My jaw dropped, then came back with, "oh no, I'm going to exaggerate and tear your face up, thats what I do."
He easily caved in and allowed me to do it, but...wow...he Had it commin!!
What a great local couple these guys were, I had a blast with them!! the were so corky, smart and quick with comebacks,....good times.
Damn Canadians!!! (just kidding, these guys were awesome too)
This couple came for a last minute drawing, I had done a drawing prior to this that was REEALLY jacked up (to scare away business, cause I was done for the day) but instead attracted these 2. So I tried some new stuff out. I'm not totally happy at the final result, didn't pull off some things, but....was worth a shit and worth sharing.
This is of no one, just a demo I created for future stands, maybe you'll see it at you local Kamans art caricature stand soon!!